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Happy Birthday,                  NAIFA-Wyoming!

By NAIFA-Wyoming on 6/24/24 1:34 PM

June 26th marks the official day when NAIFA-Wyoming was born. While the Articles of Incorporation weren’t filed until 1979, we know that Insurance and Financial Advisors in Wyoming met as the Wyoming Association of Life Underwriters (WALU) decades before.

The original purpose for forming the association is as relevant today as it was decades ago, take a look:

The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized are:

To support and maintain the principal of legal reserve life insurance; to advance public knowledge of legal reserve life insurance and its uses; to promote the adoption and application of higher standards of ethical conduct in the profession of life underwriting and the business of life insurance, and any other type of insurance approved by the corporation; to increase the knowledge of agents concerning legal reserve life insurance and all other types of insurance and their use and sale; to provide through this corporation for rendering community service and developing enduring friendships; to create and maintain a sound public opinion; to promote cooperation and good will; to uphold the laws of Wyoming and the United States affecting insurance; to promote legislation, regulation and practices which are in the best interest of the business of insurance, the insuring public and the agency system; to encourage protection against the hazards of disability, health and accident, to persons and property as part of an adequate insurance program and in all other ways to promote the best interests of legal reserve life insurance.

We still do that more than 45+ years later!

In addition to the many wonderful state presidents we have had over the years, NAIFA-Wyoming has produced two national presidents and they happen to be a grandfather/grandson duo:

Grant Taggart                                                              1942-1943

Jeffrey J. Taggart, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF                     2007-2008                  

We’ve adapted to the changing times, pivoted when necessary, and provided insights to lawmakers to help them make informed decisions on critical legislation. We’ve educated agents and advisors throughout all stages of their careers, helped build good business models, and championed ethical standards throughout our membership.  Our commitments to our clients run deep, and we have forged many lasting relationships in the communities we serve. Job well done, NAIFA-Wyoming.

As we celebrate our years of service, let’s tip our hats to the foresight of our predecessors, and raise a toast to our members' continued vision and vitality well into the future!

Topics: #NAIFAProud
